
  • Sending Laravel Task Messages to a Python Celery Worker

    Do you have a Laravel app or API, but want to run some type of advanced statistical analysis or machine learning algorithms on your application data? Python has many more options and built in libraries for developing machine learning tools, so it may be helpful to set up a distributed system in which you can use your existing PHP application in tandem with message queue driven Python analytics workers. This post will help you set up a Python worker using Celery and Redis and dispatch jobs from your Laravel application to it.

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  • Database Testing with PHPUnit

    In this post, you will learn how to set up PHPUnit to test the database layer of your application. Unit tests are usually focused on testing object models, but they can also be used to test interactions with the database to prevent regressions in data persistence. If you have a complex application that involves a database, it is very important to validate that it is working properly so you can be more confident in your deploys.

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  • Setting up and running Varnish in Vagrant

    If your production environment is fronted by a Varnish caching layer, there’s a good chance your development environment isn’t. This can introduce a number of unanticipated consequences when deploying new code to your production environment that interacts with Varnish, so it’s best to have the cache layer also available in your dev environment.

    This post will cover the steps required to install and configure Varnish 4 in a local Vagrant environment, running a vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 install. If you don’t already have a Vagrant box set up, follow the instructions in their getting started guide.

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