My name is Fraser Reed and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I currently lead the engineering team at Neptune Retail Solutions, an omni-channel marketing platform. Our customers use our APIs to create and distribute cashback offers into our network of retailer loyalty programs and 3rd party cashback apps.

Neptune Retail Solutions

My expertise and interest lies in server-side technologies including PHP (including frameworks like Symfony, Laravel, Zend and Slim), Python (Django), MySQL, Postgres, Elasticsearch, Redis, Docker, Chef, and Varnish. I dabble in other languages like R and Ruby and am competent in front-end tech like JavaScript/Typescript, HTML and CSS. I am a strong believer in testing (PHPUnit, pytest) and test automation, and use TDD whenever possible. I try to never do the same thing twice.

Have a question about something you read here? Let me know. Comments and suggestions are always welcome - send me an email!